'Trustees and governors act with the utmost integrity. They ensure that this vision is lived out for all members of the school community. ' Norton Hill Primary - July 2023
'Trustees and senior leaders have a clear vision. They provide support and challenge for leaders and other staff.' Norton Hill Secondary School - March 2023
'Governors and the Trust share the same ambitions as leaders. They are equally determined that each child will succeed. Governors provide a high level of challenge.' Longvernal - February 2023
'Support and guidance from the trust have also led to improvements in areas such as assessment.' Preston Academy - January 2023
'As a result of joining the trust, staff have further opportunities for professional development and career progression' Hayesfield Girls' School - Nov 2022
'Governors and the Trust share the same ambitions as leaders. They are equally determined that each child will succeed. Governors provide a high level of challenge.' Longvernal February 2023'Senior leaders have an ambitious vision for the school. They are supported by the Trust effectively. This allows leaders to focus on making the correct improvements where needed.' Somervale - 2022
‘Leaders are positive about the support they receive from the Trust. The Trust has added additional capacity and expertise to the staff team and helped to improve academic standards, particularly in core subjects.’ St Mark’s - 2022
‘In English, trust leaders have built a high-quality programme’ Writhlington - 2021
‘The CEO of the multi-academy trust provides considerable support to the school. This has led to improving standards and has been influential in developing leaders’ thinking about the curriculum. The school has adopted a high-quality mathematics programme developed by the trust.’ Writhington - 2021
‘All pupils are studying their usual subjects. Staff are making some adjustments to practical work in science, art, physical education and music because of COVID-19. These are so that all pupils can make safe use of school resources. n Leaders have checked pupils’ knowledge and understanding in English, mathematics, science and history. Teachers are adapting their plans between now and December 2020 to address any gaps in pupils’ knowledge.’ Clutton - 2020
‘The Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trust (MNSP) provides effective challenge and support to school leaders, including appropriate training to improve teaching' Welton -2019
‘The school’s local governing board know their school well. There are clear lines of accountability between them and the directors of the multi-academy trust. Governors and trust officials provide effective challenge to school leaders about the standards pupils reach. Joining the trust has successfully enabled leaders and governors to widen the provision they offer to pupils’ Longvernal OFSTED May 2019
‘Parents and carers who responded to the online survey and discussions are happy with the school. They typically comment, ‘the academy trust has made many improvements,’ and, ‘staff are dedicated, hardworking and incredibly supportive’ Dundry OFSTED January 2019
‘The Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trust is highly effective at supporting leaders at every level to bring about improvements. The impact is evident in rising standards and rapidly improving teaching.’ Clutton OFSTED November 2018
‘Leaders in school and from the multi-academy trust, governors and trustees are highly ambitious for the school, each pupil and the community. They have not shied away from making tough decisions to ensure that pupils benefit from a good quality of education.’ St Dunstan’s OFSTED July 2018
'The trust has provided high-quality support for teaching staff to improve their practice. They have added leadership capacity and supported school leaders to improve the quality of education. Together, these have been principle factors in transforming the school.’ St Dunstan's OFSTED July 2018
‘The Headteacher, trust and senior leaders have transformed the school. It now provides a good quality of education and pupils are safe.’ St Dunstan's OFSTED July 2018
‘The support provided by the multi-academy trust, The Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership, has been crucial to the rapid improvement at Trinity. Initially, this involved the recruitment of staff and governors. Subsequently, the trust has supplied a wealth of training and coaching opportunities to develop staff and governors.’ Trinity OFSTED May 2018