Outstanding success for MNSP Sixth Form students - 2024

Outstanding success for MNSP Sixth Form students - 2024

15th August 2024

August 2024


Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Sixth Form yet again saw students celebrating a set of  impressive results. The partnership includes students attending the Somerset Studio School Sixth Form, Writhlington Sixth Form and Midsomer Norton Sixth Form, and is one of the largest and most successful sixth forms in the South West. 

The students celebrated an incredible set of results following months of dedication and exceptional hard work.  These outcomes will allow them to embark on high quality apprenticeships, careers and places at top universities across the country. Over 58% achieved A* - B and  83% of our students passed A*-C. All of these measures are above the national averages.

Director of Post 16, Karen Ward said “We are so incredibly proud of the achievements of our students, and of the perseverance and resilience the students have shown over the course of the last 18 months. We wish them all the best for the bright futures they have ahead of them as they begin the next chapter in their lives. With their strong destinations including exciting apprenticeships and places at leading universities, we are confident that our students’ diligence and dedication will ensure their success in whichever path they choose to take. “

Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership CEO Alun Williams, joined with Head Teachers from all sites to commend the students stating  “I am delighted by the achievements of Year 13 students this year. They have done exceptionally well. Finally, I’d like to wish all our Year 13s the very best of luck for what will no doubt bean exciting future.”

This year’s outstanding results have too many significant individual accomplishments to mention. Detailed below are a few of the many notable achievements from each campus: 

MSN Sixth Form

Gordon Green and Jo Postlethwaite, Headteachers of Norton HIll School and Somervale School stated: ‘We are delighted to once again report that it’s been another tremendous year for the Sixth Form students with results that more than justify their hard work and dedication as well as the considerable support and encouragement of parents and carers.’

‘We would like to pass on our congratulations to all of our students who have again achieved extremely high grades this year. Students achieved exceptional grades with students bucking the national trend and more achieving the top end grades with 36% A*- A grades, 61.1% A*-B as well as  90% A*- C. We would like to give each and every student our very best wishes for whatever path they choose to take in future. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our hard-working teaching and support staff. Their help and  guidance allows these young people to achieve their full potential.’

Amongst the many successes for this year are:

Alex Rowe achieved A*, A*, A*, A* and the highest grade possible, S - Outstanding, in the Sixth Term Examination Mathematics paper (STEP II & III) and is progressing to Trinity College, Cambridge to study Mathematics.

Charlotte Mills achieved A*, A*, A, A and is going onto study English Language and Literature at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. 

Joining her at St Hugh’s to study English and Modern Languages will be Ted Purnell who obtained A*, A*, A*, A.

Sebastian Roughan achieved  A*, A*, A*, A who will go onto study Computer Science at the University of Southampton.

Fleur Swallow achieved  A*, A*, A* who has gained a place at Edinburgh University to study LLB Law and Social Anthropology.

Daniel Snow achieved A*, A*, A*, A, A who will be attending Bath University to study Mathematics. Joining him at Bath University will be Ruby Smart A*, A*, A, A who will study Politics and International relations and Niall Hillier A*, A, A who will study Sport and Exercise Science with professional placement abroad.

Thomas Worker achieved  A, A, A, A, and has gained a place at Imperial College Londonto study Earth and Planetary Science.

Matilda Dodds achieved  A, A, A, A, and gained a place at Exeter University to study Biological Sciences.

Samuel Hildrew achieved  A*, A*, A, A, A and he is going onto Warwick to study Maths.

Mya Andrea has a prestigious degree apprenticeship with KPMG after gaining impressive A*, A, A, B. Also going onto an equally impressive degree level apprenticeship is Archer Newland A*, A*, A, A with Arup Group Limited in Environmental Management.

Other students also achieving A* and A grades in all subjects are Luca Hargrave-Smith, Oliver Richardson-Hunt and Ziggy Seymour.

Somerset Studio School Sixth Form (SSS)

Bruce Hain, Head Teacher of Somerset Studio School said ‘We are so, so proud of our students' achievements! In the new T Level, Healthcare Science, our courageous students achieved a 100% pass rate and 25% a Merit or higher. In addition to this,  100% of Engineering students achieved a Distinction grade or higher.  All our hard-working, talented and professional young people have achieved their chosen, ambitious destinations and we wish them every success in their future and congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts." 

Destinations include:

  • University of the West of England to read Nursing for Grace Woodham who achieved BBB.

  • Employment for Evie Coates at Sulis and Leigha Toogood to F.A.S.T Ambulance, Frome. 

  • Double Distinction star and A* triumphed by Arlo Caston who will now attend The Engineering & Design Institute, London

  • Bath Spa University for Beth Hunt to read Educational Psychology with AAA.

  • Ayesha Baber achieved triple Distinction and will be reading Healthcare Science at degree level with The Open University.

  • Matthew Bromfield achieved Distinction Double Merit in Forensics and Human Biology, heading to the University of South Wales to study Forensics.


Writhlington Sixth Form

Keith Howard, Headteacher of Writhlington School said, ‘Congratulations to our students on their excellent exam results.  Students have worked hard throughout their courses and their results are testament to their commitment and dedication to their studies. Students have achieved highly across the board, and in particular in Art, History and Sport where students achieved well above their expected grades. On behalf of all the school staff, we wish them every success on the next stage of their journey, at University, apprenticeship or in employment.’

Amongst the impressive outcomes for students on the Writhlington Campus are:

Jonah Druitt achieved AABB and will be attending University of Bristol to study Plant Sciences.

Emily Jefferyes achieved AAB and will be attending University of Surrey to study  Paramedic Science 

Joseph Markey achieved AAA and will be attending University of Southampton to study Medicine

Callum Mason achieved AAAB and will be attending Cardiff University to study Astrophysics  

Grace Morris achieved A*AA and will be attending Falmouth University to study Graphic Design 

We have a number of students that have been successful in securing amazing apprenticeships including big companies like Airbus, Rolls Royce, Wessex Water and the MOD.